Swiss Institute for Translational and Entrepreneurial Medicine (sitem-insel)

Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging

Prof. Dr. Mauricio Reyes

Head Healthcare Imaging A.I., University of Bern


Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imagingp

Module 5 - Applications of AI


Mauricio Reyes, conducted graduate studies as Electrical Engineering at the University of Santiago, Chile where he was awarded best electrical engineer thesis by the Chilean Institute of Engineers School. Through a Conicyt scholarship, he conducted postgraduate studies to obtain a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences with specialization in Medical Image Analysis from INRIA, France (2006). He is an associate professor at the medical faculty of the University of Bern, and is currently leading the Healthcare Imaging A.I. group at the Insel Data Science Center, of the University Hospital Inselspital. His research focuses on basic and applied machine learning technologies as well as biomedical engineering solutions to improve healthcare through medical image computation technologies. A particular strength of his research has been the emphasis on developing solutions that are designed to be integrated into the clinical workflow.

Dr. Reyes has participated in several Swiss National Science Foundation projects, Commission of Technology and Innovation projects, EU-FP7 projects on computational oncology and computational anatomy, and several further projects supported by Swiss foundations. From 2006 he has secured over 7.6M EUR research funds. He has an H-index: 28, has authored over 200 articles, with over 4000 citations. His entrepreneurial work has also led to the creation of one consolidated start-up company.