From idea to impact: A TMBE graduate's experience

Walk in the footsteps of a Translational Medicine and Biomedical Entrepreneurship (TMBE) program graduate. Dr. med. Barna Gal shares his story, revealing how the program at sitem-insel School transformed his vision of building CompagOs, a healthtech startup developing a diagnostic tool for personalized fracture risk assessment in patients with bone metastases, into reality.

The blending of science, entrepreneurship, and industry can spur innovations that change the world. Dr. med. Barna Gal, a graduate of the Translational Medicine and Biomedical Entrepreneurship program (TMBE), provides a first-hand account of this dynamic interplay and how it shaped his journey in the health-tech startup space.

Utilizing 3D-printed in vitro bone models, his startup, CompagOs, develops a diagnostic tool for personalized fracture risk assessment in patients with bone metastases. The tool assists oncologists and orthopedic surgeons by providing clinical decision support for selecting treatments, ultimately leading to improved outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.

The TMBE path to innovation

Dr. Gal describes the TMBE program at sitem-insel School as well-structured, well-organized, and diverse. «It helped me gain confidence with my endeavors of starting a healthtech startup by showing different paths of how to do it, and by providing valuable support through the network of coaches, lecturers, and also participating entrepreneurs.»

Gaining valuable knowledge

One of the most valuable skills Dr. med. Berna Gal took away from the TMBE program, offered in collaboration with the University of Bern, was the ability to assemble a business case with all relevant aspects using the business model canvas, and writing a business plan. Additionally, he gained a comprehensive understanding of the healthcare industry. All this knowledge was pivotal in building his impactful healthtech startup.

Individual development through TMBE

The TMBE program significantly contributed to the maturity of Dr. Gal’s project by helping him reflect on the most relevant aspects of his business. This led to improved focus and business case definition, with far-reaching strategic implications for his decision making and ultimately contributing to his overall success.

Networking and coaching

An integral element of the TMBE program is its strong network of experts and specialists. «It helped us not just to find answers to our questions, but also to ask new and right questions, which we didn't think about before», says Dr. Gal.

Recommendations for the TMBE program

When asked to whom he would recommend the TMBE program, Dr. Gal suggests that basically anyone who wants to learn something about the healthtech industry should do this program. He proposes that the program is particularly valuable for those who have an idea they want to commercialize, or who are already working on a project.

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Scholarship Opportunities

To facilitate the journey of startups with limited resources, the TMBE program offers annual scholarships, made possible by industry partners' generous support.
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